Anyway, if I’m going legit with an artist business, then I think I should also have a website and blog, and so here we are.
This is the first large painting I “shipped” (it only actually went maybe 30 miles). It’s an abstract and is 48″ x 48″. It took me forever to finish it, but I loved the end result. I just glows in a certain light.
I think the reason it took so long to finish it is because it’s abstract. I’m not 100% on-board with abstract. I love abstract paintings, so that’s not the issue. It’s me. I’m inclined to have something recognizable in my paintings. The whole painting doesn’t need to be recognizable, but at least part of it does or I’m not satisfied and I keep tinkering with it. It’ll be interesting going forward to see how I end up dealing with that.
Just to further belabor the point that I really do enjoy abstracts, it’s not a fib so I’ll sound more cool and hip (hahaha that dates me!), one of the artists I’m very inspired by is Rothko. If you’ve ever seen his later work, then I think you’ll agree that the only recognizable elements are squares and rectangles.
Anyway, this here website is brand-new and still very much a work in-progress. I don’t have any means of selling artwork here yet, and most of the original paintings are already spoken for. In spite of that, I want to welcome you and really hope you’ll find something to enjoy. If you come across broken links or pages that seem a little lacking, I hope you’ll bear with me. I’m working on them.