Two Abstract Art Classes Coming Up Soon

I have two acrylic abstract art classes coming up that I’m excited about. The first, happening this weekend, is taught by a local artist I’ve been interested in meeting and, to add to the anticipation, she’s teaching something that I’ve been gravitating toward – using palette knives to add texture. The class will also teach using minimal strokes and some other interesting techniques. The instructor’s name is Zoya Scholis and her website is


texture on zebra acrylic painting

texture on zebra acrylic painting

Texture is a tricky beast. It makes the paintings so much more interesting to admire close-up, but at the same time it’s much harder to photograph (at least in terms of my burgeoning photography skillset). Over to the side here is a close-up of my Grazing Zebras acrylic painting, and while you can see that there’s texture, the depth is lost in the photo.

Not being able to photograph texture isn’t going to stop me from using it, though, and I hope to learn some interesting new techniques this weekend.

Mystery Acrylic Techniques

The second class, I’m not really sure exactly what will be taught. It’s a mystery! ooooh! The class description left a lot to the imagination, with descriptive phrases like “learn innovative acrylic painting techniques”, but I was really drawn to the example images. It’s titled “Quantum Leap” Acrylic Painting Workshop with Bruce Marion. All art materials are to be provided in class, so I don’t even have a list of supplies that would give some clues. It felt like a good match for me and since I have a new resolve to say “YES” to more opportunities, I had to sign up. Regardless of what’s taught, it’ll be a chance to meet other adventurous local artists willing to pay for a class with a sketchy description hahaha.


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Opening of “A Happier Place” Art Exhibit

Thank you to everyone who came out on April 1st, 2022, for the opening of my art exhibition titled, “A Happier Place” at KALEID Gallery. The evening was a great success and it was wonderful to see so many people out again. The exhibit will remain on display through the month of April, so if you missed the opening, there’s still time to see it.

My Art Is Showing at HARK! Affordable Art Show and Sale in December

I have five pieces of art at KALEID Gallery for the HARK! Holiday Art Show and Sale again this year. It will be there along with the art of 40+ other amazing local artists. The opening of the show is this Friday during the San Jose First Friday in the SoFA District, and the art will be remain on display and for sale until January 15, 2022. It’s first come, first served.

Eager for Spring to Arrive? Spring Poppies are Here

I love the California winter, known here as the rainy season, but by the time Spring actually arrives, I’m so ready for it. My “Spring is Coming Poppy Meadow” acrylic painting is a celebration of what I know is just around the corner for California.

One Inspiration Inspires Another

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tweaking the minimalism painting

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how to sell your art online conference

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