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Writings about my creative process, new artworks, and more.
Fun Sunflower Trivia

Fun Sunflower Trivia

Sunflowers overflow with character and fascinate me. They're available in many different varieties: large, small, gigantic, dwarf, multi-colored, frilled petals, heirloom, and so many more. I searched on Park Seed Company website and found 24 different seed packets...

start saying YES

start saying YES

I just finished reading Shonda Rhimes' book, "Year of Yes", and WOW. I rarely read celebrity books, in fact, right at this moment I can't even think of one celebrity book I've read. This one I made an exception for, and maybe you should, too. Over a one-plus year...

August is Sunflower Month

August is Sunflower Month

Sunflowers make me smile. They exude happiness and are a sunny celebration of summer. I just recently returned from a road trip through the central valley of California, where we drove past miles and miles of bright, cheery sunflower fields. They were all in bloom and...

my current favorite paintbrush

my current favorite paintbrush

I first learned to paint as a kid, when there was no Internet - no YouTube to show me what to do. We lived in a small town and I didn't have any art books to reference. I pretty much figured stuff out on my own. I really wanted to do things right. I was a rule...

tweaking the minimalism painting

tweaking the minimalism painting

I've been tweaking one of the minimalism paintings from the class last weekend and am liking it quite a bit more than before. I suppose it's a little less minimal, though, since I've added magenta, orange and turquoise, but I think that gave it a lot more depth and...

abstract minimalism acrylic class today

abstract minimalism acrylic class today

Today I spent four hours hurriedly slapping paint onto two canvases in an abstract minimalism class. The conditions weren't ideal, as the class was packed with students, and so the instructor's attention was spread pretty thin. This was very much out of my comfort...

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