Sunflowers reach out to us with a message of happiness; encouraging us to smile and lighten up. Research has shown that smiling has numerous benefits. It reduces stress, boosts the immune system, reduces blood pressure, uplifts your mood, is contagious, and more.
Fake Smiling Works
Even fake smiling (where you hold a pencil sideways in your mouth between your teeth, forcing your face into a fake smile) has a positive result, causing your body to release feel-good endorphins and seratonin. When I first read about that trick in a book, I was skeptical, but tried it anyway and have been doing it ever since. I especially make an effort to force a smile whenever I catch myself scowling (for example, when watching politics on the news), and it makes a difference. It distracts me from the scowl, bringing me back into the present moment and aware of what I’m doing, and most of the time I’ll realize what’s just happened and smile for real, feeling happier. It works!
Sunflowers can serve as a personal trainer for your mood. Similar to the fake smile trick, try keeping a bunch of them around your home or office and take a moment to gaze at them when you’re feeling stress or irritation. Allow their cheery appearance to bring out your natural smile and lighten things up.
Never a shrinking violet, sunflowers are associated with the solar plexus chakra which lies just above your belly button. Sunflowers help to clear and balance it, boldly reminding us that we’re unique and perfect just the way we are. Sunflowers are our happiness warriors, showing us how to stand up tall and shine with confidence. Enjoy some sunflowers today and allow their cheery presence to refresh and boost your spirits.