Lavender and Coffee
Title: Lavender and Coffee
Size: 24 inches x 18 inches x 1.5 inch deep acrylic on gallery wrap canvas
New ways to safely interact are our new normal. I’ve long enjoyed the beauty of the large clumps of lavender growing in my neighbor’s front yard. In May, I noticed the transformation of his driveway into an informal coffee shop. A friend arrives with coffee and they set up their safe zone. Neighbors wander by, stopping to chat. It’s unsettling that it’s necessary, and yet beautiful to witness. This painting is a tribute to our ability to make the best of our situation, enjoying our wonderful city of San Jose, the people living here, and our balmy, temperate climate.
A print of this painting was displayed in 2021 in a serial exhibition named “Holding the Moment: A Public Art Initiative Responding to COVID-19” that was held by the City of San José Public Art Program and the Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport.