Painting In Public

I’ll be painting in my art studio while it’s open to the public twice this month:

  • Saturday, September 11, 2021, 3:00-6:00 pm
  • Sunday, September 19, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • Where? Visual Philosophy Studios, 1065 The Alameda, San Jose, California, USA

art tools and palette by Julie BoveeHow do I use these painting supplies? Come and see!

The first opportunity, this Saturday, I’ll be in my studio in support of the Second Saturdays On the Alameda and the opening of “Nature Takes”, an art exhibition featuring Lisa Pelgrim. The exhibition will be open both Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 11th & 12th, from 3:00-6:00 pm both days.

I was in Visual Philosophy Studios over the weekend while her exhibition was being hung, and let me tell you, it’s a fantastic mix of sculpture and digital fingerpainting influenced by Japanese and Hawaiian culture and her life experiences. If you don’t know what digital fingerpainting is, you’ll have to come out to the show. I’m in love with her images.

The second opportunity is during the Viva CalleSJ event, the annual San Jose event that follows the 5K run. “Viva CalleSJ is a free recreation program that temporarily closes miles of San Jose streets to bring communities together to walk, bike, skate, play and explore the city like never before.” – blurb taken from the website.

For both events, I’ll have my studio open for visitors and I’ll be painting.

If you’ve been curious as to how my paintings are created, this is a great time to stop by and see for yourself and ask questions. I’ll have several canvases in various states of progress. I normally work on multiple paintings at a time. While I wait for one to dry a bit, I’ll work on another. Sometimes the number of paintings I have in progress can get a bit out of hand.

This brings me to the next topic…

What Will I Be Painting?

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’m fairly new to this art business thing. I’ve spent the past few years improving my skills and exploring my artistic style. Now I think it’s time to start working on a series. With that in mind, I’ve brainstormed a long list of series ideas and I’m planning to start on one of them this weekend.

How do I know it’s time to work in a series? For one thing, I’ve become preoccupied with the idea. The even more compelling reason is that when I sat down to make a list of series ideas, a flood of topics instantly came spewing out, whereas previously, I couldn’t think of even one single idea for a series. Most of the ideas involve subjects that I’ve already played around with a bit.

Also during these public painting sessions, I’ll be putting some time into finishing this painting that I worked on during the open studios in August. It was hot in the studios building that weekend. I was sweating profusely under my mask and my mind wandered off to thoughts of cool, refreshing things like orange creamsicles.

Painting in progress by Julie Bovee inspired by orange creamsiclePainting in progress inspired by thoughts of orange creamsicles

If you’re not able to stop by, you can also view my process on my YouTube channel.

Before I sign off, I just want to remind you that if you’re not able to visit while my studio is open to the public, you can feel free to contact me to schedule a private visit. Additionally, all of my currently available work is viewable either on my website or at KALEID Gallery in downtown San Jose.


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One-Day Event Unique Artworks Available

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