. The on again and off again Silicon Valley Open Studios (SVOS) situation has resulted in something entirely new and exciting, an Online Open Studio hosted via Visual Philosophy Studio. Read on to learn the whole story and a little bit about the nine new paintings...
My painting, Synergy with Birds of Paradise, has been accepted for the Spring (In)formal Silent Auction Fundraiser by School of Visual Philosophy. The auction will help fund the purchase of new equipment at the School, including something near and dear to my heart...
At the beginning of the month, my husband and I became the proud occupiers of Studio E at the School of Visual Philosophy. “Studio E” makes me think of Sheila E and Prince from the 1980s and so every time I say it, I feel like I’ve been enveloped in...
Money. Do you think about it? Sure you do, everyone does. We just don’t often talk about it because we’re told it’s not polite or some other brainwashing gunk as a child. (I think of that sort of programming in my head as gunk that I need to wash...
Over 4th of July extended weekend, we went on a road trip to Portland, Oregon to attend the one-day How to Sell Your Art Online conference put on by Cory Huff of The Abundant Artist. In the photo, I’m holding his book that was just released. Check it out on...